I wandered far from the fold where I was safe. It wasn't long until I found I'd lost my way. I cried with fear as the night began to fall. One more lost lamb, but I heard the Shepherds call. He saw my steps as they walked right into the dark. Though I went astray, I never once left his heart. That not long ago, how I still recall. When I lost my way, then I heard the Shepherds call. He left the fold to search out one that strayed. Left ninety-nine for there was one to be saved. There on that ledge one-step would have ended All.I felt a hand, and I heard the Shepherds Call He saw my steps as they walked right into the dark. Though I went astray, I never once left his heart. That not long ago, how I still recall. When I lost my way, then I heard the Shepherds call. That not long ago, how I still recall. When I lost my way, then I heard the Shepherds call.