Woah, woah, woah Hanging out with the sinners and the outcast He didn't fit in the Pharisees' box, nah Getting down with the broken down down-and-outers He wasn't anybody's picture of God, but He came as a man on a mission For a man like me, He was fishing They called Him a renegade (Woah) He was a troublemaker (Woah) Turning the tables as He turned them over (Woah) Called Him a heretic (Woah) They didn't like His rhetoric (Woah) There was no way that He could be their Savior (Woah) But when they sent a rebel to a cross (Rebel to a Cross) He rose and the world saw rebel with a cause Woah, woah, yeah (Woah, woah) Woah He said He came for those who had to have a doctor And we can come to Him I love to read about the losers turning into winners He has a way of making more out of a lesser Everything He did went against the system But He did it all so I could be forgiven They called Him a renegade (Woah) He was a troublemaker (Woah) Turning the tables as He turned them over (Woah) Called Him a heretic (Woah) They didn't like His rhetoric (Woah) There was no way that He could be their Savior (Woah) But when they sent a rebel to a cross (Rebel to a Cross) He rose and the world saw rebel with a cause Woah, woah, yeah (Woah, woah) Woah This renegade came to save (Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh) This troublemaker made a way (Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh) This heretic had words of life to say (Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh) This renegade came to save (Doo-doo-doo-doo) This troublemaker made a way (Doo-doo-doo-doo) This heretic had words of life to say (Doo-doo-doo-doo) And this rebel Yeah, this rebel beat the grave They called Him a renegade (Woah) He was a troublemaker (Woah) Turning the tables as He turned them over (Woah) Called Him a heretic (Woah) They didn't like His rhetoric (Woah) There was no way that He could be their Savior (Woah) But when they sent a rebel to a cross (Rebel to a cross) He rose and the world saw rebel with a cause Woah, woah, yeah (Woah, woah) Woah A rebel with a cause (Woah) Woah, woah, yeah (Woah) Woah A rebel with a cause