The sunset only took a few minutes while I looked at you Yet it felt like a lifetime too The fallow crest sat on the moon On the horizon setting soon It was time to let go The rainforest and the waves crashed against the shore Crates of 45's would soon be carried out the door There's nothing strange about it It's just the illusion of time and without it We'd be standing still Words not spoken, tears not shed Axis bold as love before bed Blue skies and green eyes Snow white thighs and lullabies, yeah Leftovers from the night before stayed in the fridge The night light on the porch drifted The flame wasn't completely out But the truth was without a doubt The passing of the clouds swept in The night was ready for one last fight again ♪ There's nothing strange about it It's just the illusion of space and without it We'd be standing still ♪ Hanging on to that feeling The euphoric acrobatic ceiling Pelicans dove into the sea While she read to me Holden lost his mind The secret of the warrior wasn't too far behind, yeah ♪ There's nothing strange about it It's just the illusion of time and without it We'd be standing still "Love the one you're with" kept repeating in mind Recalibrating that fine line In my head I see it all Pictures of your family on the wall There was a time when I was there as well The paint in the living room was beige We fought about the color change for days Outside, there's a lightning storm The natural world sounds like it's being torn ♪ There's nothing strange about it It's just the illusion of time and without it We'd be standing still ♪ There's nothing strange about it It's just the illusion of space and without it We'd be standing still