The Son of God had bowed his head The light of life was dimmed by death But this was not his final breath Hallelujah! Christ is risen The tomb could not restrain his might The solemn stone was rolled aside And darkness fled before his light Hallelujah! Christ is risen Praise our God, he's won the victory Jesus reigns with all authority The Lord of life, glorified Hallelujah! Christ is risen His triumph pulled us from the grave And tore the sting of death away Alive in him, we now proclaim Hallelujah! Christ is risen Praise our God, he's won the victory Jesus reigns with all authority The Lord of life, glorified Hallelujah! Christ is risen And now since we have been raised with Christ We set our hearts and fix our eyes On him who brings the dead to life Hallelujah! Christ is risen Hallelujah! Christ is risen Praise our God, he's won the victory Jesus reigns with all authority The Lord of life, glorified Hallelujah! Christ is risen Praise our God, he's won the victory Jesus reigns with all authority The Lord of life, glorified Hallelujah! Christ is risen Hallelujah! Christ is risen