Te robaré el corazón And hide it away in the unknown Ten cuidado con qué tú dices Or I'll tear your heart in pieces He said that he knew what he did not know He told me his mother was Navajo He promised the moon, but it never showed And he called himself El Romance-0 He said that he went where he would not go He told me he was born down in Mexico He said he thought fast but reacted slow And he called himself El Romance-0 El Romance-0 El Romance-0 ♪ Yo hablo la verdad Mi palabra es tu libertad Y puedo ser tu mejor amigo Nadie sabe por qué y tampoco a dónde voy Porque era un mentiroso ♪ He said he'd always win but I think he lost He covered up his sins at a mighty cost He thought he was beloved, but he was below And he called himself El Romance-0 Un mentiroso, El Romance-0 El Romance-0