They called a special snowflake Where you think you're so special, And you're not Wake up everybody, This is a world of people And, simply existing in it does not mean you're participating, Simply participating does not necessarily mean That you're special, but, the truth is, Actually we are all special The things that make us special Are our experiences, our interactions And to me, every moment we're different people Because we're growing, we're reacting, we're changing And that is darn well worth protecting You, no matter what anybody says to you, Are worth taking care of And I say it because I took years, decades to get to believing that But I do believe it And it's true for me, it's true for you I may not always feel like a special person, And not always feel like a smart person, like a useful person Like a sensitive person, like a strong person Um, but no matter how i feel, It is my job, To take care of that so that I can become all those things, yes?