Every step becomes less sustainable, As if severity had the typical irony of murder, Wounds reappear by plundering mere despair ... And how spell your sacrifices disappear, Is it really right to do all this? Is the redemption exchanged for an idle time to live in the mean? The imperfect sacrifice consumed on the impure structure of your enemies, The impersonation of the unique character of idolatry, The mediator of the infamous belief between the impotent gods. And the omissions in perpetual contrast ... lead to a cruciferous ordeal. Is the redemption exchanged for an idle time to live in the mean? The imperfect sacrifice consumed on the impure structure of your enemies, The impersonation of the unique character of idolatry, The mediator of the infamous belief between the impotent gods. And the omissions in perpetual contrast ... lead to a cruciferous ordeal. The essence of the rejection of the reason Implemented by the instrument of unconsciousness. Charity lies on the cornerstone of hatred, The only circumcised gospel. That builds the true consequence: disappear. The division among men ...IDNUMAMINA!