Once born in the others charge To surrender To suffer greater than loss To a great pretender When you are walking, where do you go? What is there to get? What is there to know? When you are walking, where do you go? What is there to get? I will follow Once born in the others charge I relish to the start Into the open sea we go Raw fish is broken, drop dead, done We will prevail The blessed just fail When you are walking, where do you go? What is there to get? What is there to know? When you are walking, where do you go? What is there to get? I will follow I will follow I will follow I will follow I will follow We will never surrender To your great pretender We will prevail The blessed just fail We will prevail Pretenders The blessed just fail When you are walking, where do you go? What is there to get? What is there to know? When you are walking, where do you go? What is there to get? I will follow When you are walking, where do you go? What is there to get? What is there to know? When you are walking, where do you go? What is there to get? I will follow I will follow I will follow I will follow