Hello there, I'd like to begin with a fact A simple yet shocking fact It is this Come be my dear obsessive whore And fuck my p- hard I'll pour my j- right on your face While you eat out my c- Son of a bitch, you're part of me Part of my fucked up mind Please let me be your c- junkie I'll suck you d- just fine I'll suck you d- just fine I'll suck you d- just fine Part of my fucked up mind I'll suck you d- just fine I'll suck you d- just fine Part of my fucked up mind ♪ Come be my dear obsessive whore And fuck my p- hard I'll pour my j- right on your face While you eat out my c- Son of a bitch, you're part of me Part of my fucked up mind Please let me be your c- junkie I'll suck you d- just fine ♪ I'll suck you d- just fine I'll suck you d- just fine Part of my fucked up mind I'll suck you d- just fine I'll suck you d- just fine Part of my fucked up mind I'll suck you d- just fine I'll suck you d- just fine Part of my fucked up mind I'll suck you d- just fine I'll suck you d- just fine Part of my fucked up mind ♪ We know that once a person is perverted It is practically impossible for that person to adjust To normalise you in regards to sex Abnormal sex, crime and violence