NA NA NA NA Party!! Party!! NA NA NA NA Party!! Party!! When you dance 気の向くままに Falling down 夜が幕明ける I don't care そのまま踊れ Just dance 手に入れたのはフェイバリット? 今チャンス 逃せない hell yeah I'm OK イージーな夜は Just dance Dance party tonight Dance party tonight Here we go!! 弾け出す your step Kick ass!! 皆さわげ all night long Dance party tonight Dance party tonight Just now!! 振り払え nightmare 駆け上がれ to the top, your Dance!! NA NA NA NA Party!! Party!! NA NA NA NA Party!! Party!! さあ Weekend night エブリバディ! "CHAOS"ぶち撒けりゃ OK!! 冷めたツラに middle finger Just smile Everything is gonna be alright 朝が来るまでに hang out Are you ready? 3, 2, 1... Let's dance!! Dance party tonight Dance party tonight 来るもの拒まぬ friday Realize 見渡せば all my friends Dance party tonight Dance party tonight 感覚研ぎすませ shake heads 揺れる beat it to the floor, your dance!! Dance party tonight Dance party tonight Here we go!! 弾け出す your step Kick ass!! 皆さわげ all night long Dance party tonight Dance party tonight Just now 振り払え nightmare It's time to sing it louder... I'd fuckin' hate to stay home... 駆け上がれ to the top, your Dance!! NA NA NA NA Party!! Party!! NA NA NA NA Party!! Party!!