Freedom Has been ringing for quite some time As an alarm to inform Every molehill and mountainside That we ALL have the right to Act, speak, or think as we want Without coercion or constraint Freedom Has been rightly ringing As MLK proclaimed So please don't take this as a complaint Just a concern, that perhaps Freedom has been 'merely ringing' for far too long The purpose of an alarm Is to warn you that something is about to happen So I am sure that Dr. would, too Find it strange for there to be Lightning singing and thunder clapping But never any rain So let Freedom reign That is, to have it's sovereign authority be maintained You see when freedom truly exist Nothing else can rule Injustice is taken captive And then bondage is obliterated Freedom Will have evolved From a sound we hear ringing To something we can smell with our hearts Taste with our lives See in our futures And feel completely liberated From that day to this one We've heard freedom rang We've been warned with lightning & thunder like alarms Now we're saying Let freedom reign Let freedom reign Let freedom reign