At this very moment, He's never felt so alone in his life The only thing he can say that he owns is a knife Oh, and a pipe- he's trapped in a prison Sadly, a victim of his own bad decisions He's finishing up a ten year bid For foul things that he did when he was still a kid The good news: he'll be out in less than a week The bad news: he'll be out in less than a week It's tough, because this news is known by the ruggedest crews They're doing life and ain't got nothing to lose And they're already plotting, in fact his man stopped him to chat And let him know he should be watching his back And though his external appearance is rougher than brillo On most nights, his cries are muffled by his pillow Because his eyes have seen unspeakable atrocities From suicide to sodomy but yo, peep the dichotomy He wants to get out, but in a way he doesn't Because he's not really sure if he can make the adjustment Plus he's young and black and can't escape from the fact That most of the stats say he'll be coming back He feels like he might as well rot- he's shell-shocked By hell's plot to keep him in jail, locked in a cell block The stress is weighing on his mind so heavy He cries out, "Jesus, if you're real, I'm ready" No one's around Silence the only sound The tears are streaming down Alone Numb from all the pain Words just can't explain The emptiness remains Alone At this very moment, she's never felt so alone in her life For most of her adulthood, she was known as his wife A happy mother of two, in love with her boo In her mind there wasn't a clue of what her husband would do They went from family trips on fun excursions To him spending late nights in the summers working To her turning to alcohol just to numb the hurting To him trading her in for a younger version Unwanted, she's confronted by the thing she dreads She cries herself to sleep at night in an empty bed This disappearing act would shock Terry McMillan They were married with children- she can't bury her feelings Her shock turned to confusion, confusion to aggression Aggression to bitterness, bitterness to depression But she's not allowed to grieve, she got mouths to feed Plus they need healthcare, might have to go on welfare For now, she's trying to make ends meet on minimum wage Her 15 year old son is at a critical age A pivotal stage, he needs a male role model About to drop out, street life full throttle His mom knows that without proper education Dead or in jail is his probable destination The pain is weighing in on her heart so heavy She cries out, "Jesus, if you're real, I'm ready No one's around Silence the only sound The tears are streaming down Alone Numb from all the pain Words just can't explain The emptiness remains Alone At this very moment, He's never felt so alone I His life Severely afflicted- He groans from the strife His appearing to visit- for years was predicted But clearly they missed it- they don't know His type He came from above- the divine intertwined with mankind He entered slime- amazing His love For this evil nation who shows Him no appreciation His life is being cut short like an abbreviation The same cats who last week hailed Him as the man They rail and demand for them to nail Him through His hands They failed to understand the scale of what was planned The torn veil will explain His trail left in the sand For now, He considers the cat who snitched on Him And even His right hand man who switched on Him The rest of His friends bounced too and left Him hanging Literally, pitifully, flesh dangling But the most mysterious aspect of the saga Three hours spent under the wrath of His Father His Dad is who commanded it- His attributes demanded it The Lamb was doomed to handle this- absolute abandonment The craziest thing the universe has ever known For the first time in eternity, God was alone But I guess the part of it that makes it so heavy He did it for those who cry out, "Jesus, I'm ready!"