1st This one's for my brothers. Men of God where you at we gon rap About the subject for the reason God made us with strong backs We were made in His image so we can display similar Ways to handle our business except that were limited Nevertheless He's given us work to express diligence Similar to what's read from Paul in the text killing it In 2nd Thessalonians 3: 7 to 8 Cause work is God's idea believe it aint a mistake He put Adam in the Garden of Eden to work and keep it For men to work is the will of God, it aint no secret So peep it. If it's His will then we should seek to please Him By trusting in His strength to work for Him, whom we believe in But its only by His spirit that we can ever achieve it This's a call to righteous living like both letters from Peter Now if anything I'm spitting is settling as conviction I pray that true repentance will bring about His redemption Cause we need men of God to rep Him well in this area It isn't hard to tell how far we fell in America The cultures is telling us 30 is the new 20 A lot of them dudes think that it's true and it looks silly But Lord help us to grow as Godly men and leave a legacy For those that follow us to earn their bread with integrity So men of God put your plows to the dirt And let's show-off the power of the Gospel through the way we work for His glory 2nd In Genesis 3: 17 man was cursed after the fall And ever since then for men work has been hard As part of our call to eat by the sweat of our brow And wrestle with thorns and thistles till we back in the ground So don't be astounded if work isn't peaches and cream But it is in Christ our joy is found if indeed we're redeemed So men of God, you're not your jobs. You lost that identity It was left at the Cross when you were bought into His Family So know your role cause in the home the provider And the Lord gave us His scrolls so we can go to Him for guidance Let's come to terms that working is a means of grace For your wife and kids to eat they need food upon their plates But make no mistake this' for my single brothers as well How you gon' feed your family if you can't provide for yourself We gotta excel in training for Godliness this is obvious It's not just gonna poof and pop up inside of us Plus this is the time for you to use this opportunity To give more of your first fruits to God through your community See your 9 to 5 can truly help you to provide For your family & others God will bring into your life So Lord help us to grow as Godly men and leave a legacy For those that follow us to earn their bread with integrity Now men of God put your plows to the dirt And let's show-off the power of the Gospel through the way we work for His glory 3rd 1 Peter 2: 12 to end of the chapter The perfect picture of how and why we work for our master It ain't the money though or the things that you can buy with it Yet it's much more valuable and carries life to your spirit It's the Gospel of Jesus, Yeshuah the Messiah The Risen King of Jews, above who's name there is none higher This is our Master the one on whose behalf of we labor May our working hands reflect the excellence of the Savior I pray through our integrity at work the world would notice Him That we may be a means to let them see the Jehovah's holiness My brothers, this is where the rubber meets the dirt And why the money in your wallet ain't the main reason we work So sign up for the mission If you are officially in Keep in mind the great commission is to be fishers of men We need to pray that the Lord help us display the love of Christ To our neighbors as we labor so that they devote their life To the Savior of souls so let's work to make Him known Show His value through how you distribute what you own Cause you preach of His worth by how you're stewarding your funds And it paves a clear path for what you declare with your tongue Lets pray the Lord help us to grow as Godly men and leave a legacy For those that follow us to earn their bread with integrity So all men of God put your plows to the dirt And let's show-off the power of the Gospel through the way we work for His glory