[1st verse: a babbitt met a bromide on the avenue one day they held a conversation in their own peculiar way they were both were solid citizens they both had been around and as they spoke you clearly saw their feet were on the ground: [refrain: hello! how are you? howza folks? what's new? i'm great! that's good! ha! ha! knock wood! well! well! what say? howya been? nice day! how's tricks? what's new? that's fine! how are you? nice weather we are having but it gives me such a pain; i've taken my umbrella so of course it doesn't rain heigh ho! that's life! what's new? howza wife? gotta run! oh my! ta! ta! olive oil! goodbye! [2nd verse: ten years went quickly by for both these substiantial men then history records one day they chanced to meet again that they had both developed in ten years there was no doubt and so of course they had an awful lot to talk about: [alternate lines in 2nd refrain: i'm sure i know your face but i just can't recall your name; well how've you been old boy? you're looking just about the same [3rd verse: before they met again some twenty years they had to wait this time it happened up above inside st peter's gate a harp each one was carrying and both were wearing wings and this is what they sang as they kept strumming on the strings [alternate lines in 3rd refrain: you've grown a little stouter since i saw you last i think come up and see me sometime and we'll have a little drink and then it happened that one day they chanced to meet again