The world's greatest army was beside the Sea While Miriam played her tambourine And the ones who came against us Were never again to be seen Joshua marched us down to Jericho Seven days we walked around And the city that would mock our God Now lays in heaps upon the ground Our God reigns! We heard of a rabbi in the Galilee, thousands go to hear him speak He says that faith in Him is all we need, there are so many who believe But everyone was so surprised on that morning when the stone was rolled away And Yeshua came out of the tomb to conquer even death and the grave Our God reigns! And if our God is for us in whom shall we be afraid? Our God reigns! Greater is the One in me than the one who is in the world And in the shadow of the darkest night when all courage fades away I can run to the tower of my refuge and love sends fear away My God reigns! Our God reigns!