Psalm 90:12 AMP So teach us to number our days, That we may cultivate and bring to You a heart of wisdom. Lord You have been our dwelling place In every generation Day out and day in, Your love, Your grace, Sustains every living thing But like the grass, these creatures You've made We grow soon to wither and fade Then You'll say, "Return, O children of men." So help us learn this lesson 'til then... Teach us to number our days That we may gain a heart of wisdom Teach us to number our days To be glad to rejoice in them O how we love this time this place But it's not our destination We struggle we strive to run this race With all of the strength we can bring Then in what is but the blink of an eye We finish our years like a sigh So help us now, Lord show us how We can redeem days that pass like a dream And teach us to number our days That we may gain a heart of wisdom Teach us to number our days To be glad to rejoice in them For a thousand years in your sight Is merely a watch in the night So before they all fly away Teach us to number our days We're given to pride so unsatisfied Still You provide such mercy In light of our sin, how can we begin To thank You for placing Your beauty within Teach us to number our days That we may gain a heart of wisdom Teach us to number our days To be glad to rejoice in them For a thousand years in your sight Is merely a watch in the night So before they all fly away Teach us to number our days Yes, before we all fly away Teach us to number our days