Are not of this world We march to the beat of a different drummer We are serving the King Whose kingdom's unlike any other Established in the hearts of men This kingdom it will have no end No end no end () Thy kingdom come Thy will be done In my life Thy kingdom come Thy will be done In my life You know the kingdom of God Isnt found in meat nor found in drinking But in peace and joy And righteousness Which is right thinking So by faith we enter in The key you must be born again Again again () Thy kingdom come Thy will be done In my life Thy kingdom come Thy will be done In my life We must never give up If we hold on To what He promised Pressing on for the prize Not looking back With earthly longing It's not in what the eyes can see This mystery living in me In me in me () Thy kingdom come Thy will be done In my life Thy kingdom come Thy will be done In my life Thy kingdom come Thy will be done In my life Thy kingdom come Thy will be done In my life Seek ye first The kingdom of God Lord I'm seeking The kingdom Of God () Thy kingdom come Thy will be done In my life Thy kingdom come Thy will be done In my life Humambo hwenyu Kuda kwenyu Humambo hwenyu Mandiri Ooooooh ole ole Ooooooh ole ole () Thy kingdom come Thy will be done In my life Thy kingdom come Thy will be done In my life