And it came to pass in those days A decree of Caesar was given The whole of Rome must travel home To the city of their kin So Joseph packed up all his bags And began the journey while A donkey carried his fiancée Mary 'Cause she was pregnant, y'all From Galilee, from Nazareth To Bethlehem they roamed And once arrived, it came the time For the baby to be born The child was laid in a lowly manger As shepherds in fields nearby Stood amazed 'neath a brilliant blaze The first oh Holy night "Fear not!" an angel spoke to them "For I have brought good news! A child is born. He is the Lord The Savior, here with you." Great joy for all the people! The heavens announce His birth Angels applaud, "Glory to God! And peace upon the earth!" It came upon a midnight clear That glorious song of old From angels bending near the earth To touch their harps of gold Peace on the earth, good will to men From heaven's all gracious King The world in solemn stillness lay To hear the angels sing