All the ships eclipsing the ocean Rustled and roared of the heart I adored All its captains, seas and passions Told of our tales, and our wind in the sails ♪ I strung my Christmas lights up extra early A chain of shimmering little sterling moons I'd desired shine for ages But, still dim, the story's pages were I had let you disappear too soon Riding through a picture perfect sunset Tracing all the trees to guide my roam I paused to look out far But, all the colors that there are Were painting me a map to get back home The nightfall's awe had never made me feel so raw All the ships eclipsing the ocean Rustled and roared of the heart I adored All its captains, seas and passions Told of our tales, and our wind in the sails I was huddled round a drifters' camp site Trading stories of rulers we'd beat The bond was, oh, so warming while the sparks danced up, performing But, still lay a chilly spot in my backseat I was up late tailing a phoenix Migrating under galaxies unheard Its fury never shy, its magic in great supply This wonder, my second favorite firebird The wandering stars, are still finding your dust from afar All the ships eclipsing the ocean Rustled and roared of the heart I adored All its captains, seas and passions Told of our tales, and our wind in the sails ♪ Every month we wished to see saltwater Waving from a peak way off the beach I took the trip in health with none to worry but myself Even so there was a sight I could not reach That evening I laid down beside the water Escaping to a gorgeous ocean view The tide hugged me and swirled with the whole weight of the world But, I'd give it all to just be holding you And up above, purring atop all the waves we had loved All the ships eclipsing the ocean Rustled and roared of the heart I adored All its captains, seas and passions Told of our tales, and our wind in the sails All the ships eclipsing the ocean Rustled and roared of the heart I adored All its captains, seas and passions Told of our tales, and our wind in the sails ♪ Oh, I had quite a grin watching the vessels come back in But, the blue eyes of the sea paled to you