The orphan lost his only friend that day Across the multiverse she's on some distant plane Her spark is broken, no one knows her name She's searching for the stranger who carried her away His dearest friend is filled with his regret For the day that Kaito lost the Emperor Will it mean his end in the hunt of Tezzeret For the day that Kaito lost the Emperor She has been wandering for all this time Unable to control that special spark that's deep inside She can't come home, not even if she tried But her fate and Kamigawa is always intertwined His dearest friend is filled with his regret For the day that Kaito lost the Emperor Will it mean his end in the hunt of Tezzeret For the day that Kaito lost the Emperor His dearest friend Oh His dearest friend Oh His dearest friend Oh His dearest friend Oh His dearest friend is filled with his regret For the day that Kaito lost the Emperor Will it mean his end in the hunt of Tezzeret For the day that Kaito lost the Emperor His dearest friend Oh His dearest friend Oh His dearest friend Oh His dearest friend