Maybe I'm a reject from the line if You cut away the strings would I be fine No more reasons no more running Like chasing demons away a long time ago I hear the cattles calling standing at the gate Stealing all the air every breath take me away from all this pain We all die alone we all die alone Take me to the cave it's all the same We all die alone The sweat on my back still I carry through even though I know It still means nothing to you These times make me who I really am The soldier of war the better man Than any of the fallen behind I hear them calling my name And I don't know if you could ever take me away from all this pain We all die alone we all die alone Take me to the cave it's all the same We all die alone We all die alone We all die alone Go to sleep they say This won't hurt at all But I don't think I should They're tearing out my soul And I believe you can take me away from all this pain We all die alone we all die alone And the angels will come to take me to the grave We all die alone we all die alone Take me away from all this pain We all die alone We all die alone Take me to the cave it's all the same We all die alone We all die alone Angels are here to take me to the grave