She had long brown hair, All down her breast. Made me think about my future Made me think about my past. She was so pretty As pretty as can be. And I thought: 'My god, why shouldn't it be me' Her skin was tight, her manner was free. She gave me that look that seemed to say 'Hey you, look at me!' Her smile was crooked and good, as she sucked her capri. And I thought: 'My gawd, why shouldn't it be me' C'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon gawd. why shouldn't it be me. Her body was free. La la la laa. Don't tell me what's proper, anyone can see. I wasn't even her first, so don't blame it on me. She was so pretty, as pretty as can be. And I thought: 'My gawd, why shouldn't it be me' Oh c'mon, this once lawd. why shouldn't it be me. Her body was free. La la la laa You know what the bible says. Don't put a stumbling block in front of someone who can't see. Don't put a beautiful body in front of someone who's hungry. She was so pretty! As pretty as can be! And i thought, my gawd, why shouldn't it be me? C'mon lawd, why shouldn't it be me?