So everyday, that I wake I want to start my Day with you Some people want To please you in A church building But I want to Please you with Everything I am Doing Giving up, All of me Worship Your Majesty Worship Every day Not Just one Holy Spirit walk With me I don't Want t feel your Presence only When I am in a ChurchThis Temple must stay Clean, Flesh must Die, Spirit must Be seen one day a week Worship you in My heart And not In the 4 walls Jesus I know we Displease you Sometimes we Even please pastors more than You But our hearts Are so far from You But now I am searching For you Holy Spirit walk with me I don't want to Feel your presence Only when I am in a church This temple must Stay clean, Flesh Must die, Spirit must Be seen So I enter In a spiritual Fitness Burning flesh Eating spiritual food As my faith grew Through heeding the word A hunger came wanting More of you My flesh got weak Because my spirit man gained strength to start a Fire That took out Every little flesh Like how we have a Shower everyday To stay clean We have to put More Spirit in our Day to live clean Holy Spirit walk with me I don't want t feel Your presence Only when I am in a church This temple must Stay clean, Flesh Must die, Spirit must be seen Bridge I will trust in you with All my heart not my feelings. I can't believe on my human understanding But in everything, Acknowledge you, in All that I am doing Please direct My path.