It was a wonderful wonderful win When we had enough time to see It was a wonderful wonderful time When we had spaces to feel 轉瞬即逝 又姍姍來遲 像極了所有留不住的過去 夢幻詩意 又杯盞狼藉 像極了一切藏不住的情緒 He was the wonderful wonderful man When we had decided to love It is a wonderful wonderful line When we have ability to across 為時已晚 當妳發現 情感的線 要自己連 斷壁殘垣 只能撿一片 為時已晚 當妳明白 淚水的鹹 要自己承擔 時過境遷 只能等它回甘 刀背藏身 又寒光一現 像極了永遠抓不住的時間 過眼雲煙 又纏纏綿綿 像極了曾經忘不了的那些年 It was a wonderful wonderful win When we had enough time to see It was a wonderful wonderful time When we had spaces to feel 為時已晚 當妳看見 時間的謊 要自己圓 世間善變 只能讓它走完 為時已晚 當妳明白 淚水的鹹 要自己承擔 時過境遷 只能等它回甘