What is losing a woman, exactly? When you're young It's like losing a watch in Switzerland When you're my age It's like two extra weeks in Baden-Baden When your lover says goodbye Wise are they who know When your lover says goodbye Let her go When your lover flies away Sad are they who learn There can be a darker day Her return She was kind to leave, my friend Now you'll have a field day You're a fool to grieve, my friend This is your Bastille Day When your lover says goodbye Wise men all agree There can be but one reply "Leave the key" When your lover says goodbye You are spared the worst Lasting love that doesn't die Kills you first When your lover says goodbye Says "Cherie, we're through" Hold her in your arms and sigh "Toodle-oo" "Au devoir" "May you stay well and far" For no sweeter words can love supply Than "hello" And "goodbye"