Out the room, down the hall Through the yard, to the wall Slashing fiercely left and right Lance escaped them and took flight Arthur! Thank God! They've arrested the queen That child, that worm of a boy, Arthur He could - Pellinore, I know! Well, do something! She's under arrest She's been accused of treason Arthur, I understand you're angry - She's been accused of breaking the law She has to be judged On a day dark and drear Came to trial Guenevere Ruled a jury for her shame She'd be sentenced to the flame They've returned the verdict Guilty Arthur, please I'm an old man and I know I'm ridiculous But for the love of God, it's Genny! She broke the law, Pellinore (Yes) A law signed by the king So say the people As the dawn filled the sky On the day she would die There was wonder far and near Would the king burn Guenevere? Your Majesty Arthur! You're paralyzed! Neither you nor I Nor God Himself Can stop this terrible thing that's been put in motion What are you waiting for? I'm waiting for what's inevitably coming next Then suddenly earth and sky Were dazed by a pounding roar And suddenly through the dawn An army began to pour And lo, ahead the army Holding aloft his spear Came Lancelot to save his dear Guenevere Majesty Sentries report three hundred men are headed for the east gate Should I double the guard? That's Lancelot du Lac out there And he's brought a battalion Double the guard - triple the guard Those guards are going to die tonight By the score fell the dead As the yard turned to red Countless numbers felt his spear As he rescued Guenevere Majesty! Most of the guard has been killed Lancelot and his men have the queen And they're headed for the Channel Call up four thousand men from the west And twelve thousand from the south A state of war now exists Between England and France In the dawn, in the dew Lord and love met its doom In the dying candle's gleam Came the sundown of a dream Guenevere, Guenevere Guenevere, Guenevere So the men she held most dear Don't you warn poor Guenevere Guenevere, Guenevere Guenevere