When we think about ourselves We should be reminded of the mind of Christ He was God through and through Yet he refused to use it to grasp privilege Fully human, fully divine He brought this union to the cross and died At the name of Jesus every knee should bow In heaven and earth, and under the earth Humanity declaring Jesus Christ is Lord For the Son has revealed the glory of God the Father In a world that worships strength You surprise your friends by kneeling down at their feet What we all need to see More 'Christ-like' companions who serve willingly Fully human, fully divine You brought this union to the cross and died At the name of Jesus every knee should bow In heaven and earth, and under the earth Humanity declaring Jesus Christ is Lord For the Son has revealed the glory of God the Father He emptied himself, it was time to unveil God's nature to the world So God exalted him, to the very highest place And gave to him the name above all names Love At the name of Jesus every knee should bow In heaven and earth, and under the earth Humanity declaring Jesus Christ is Lord For the Son has revealed the glory of God the Father