John Barleycorn is a hero bold As any in the land For ages good his fame has stood And shall forever stand The whole wide world respects in him No matter friend or foe And where they be that make too free He's sure to lay them low Hey, John Barleycorn! Oh, John Barleycorn! Old and young thy praise have sung John Barleycorn! To see him in his pride of growth His robes are rich and green His head is speared with a prickly beard Most right to serve the Queen And when the reaping time comes round And John is stricken down He'll use his blood for England's good And Englishmen's renown Hey, John Barleycorn! Oh, John Barleycorn! Old and young thy praise have sung John Barleycorn! The Lord in courtly castle and the Squire in stately hall The great of name, of birth and fame On John for succour call He bids the troubled heart rejoice Brings warmth to winter's cold Makes old men young and weak ones strong And all men brave and bold Hey, John Barleycorn! Oh, John Barleycorn! Old and young thy praise have sung John Barleycorn! Then shout for brave John Barleycorn Nor heed the luscious vine I have no mind, much charms to find In potent glass of wine Give me my native nut-brown ale All other drinks I'll scorn For English cheer is English beer Our own John Barleycorn Hey, John Barleycorn! Oh, John Barleycorn! Old and young thy praise have sung John Barleycorn!