My days have little glamour Writing memos, making calls And wincing at the grammar Written on the bathroom walls It's all school supplies and budget size And wading through red tape That's why I love the theater It's how I escape So, theater is a distraction? Is that what you mean? A distraction is momentary An escape helps you heal We look to you To take us away From the soul-crushing jobs And emasculating pay When our lives come up short And our hopes are sad and few You whisk us off to some place strange and new We look to you In good times and bad The worlds you create Make the real ones seem less sad The curtain goes up And every now and then it feels as if we're coming home again Yes, coming home again We need a place to run to When everything goes wrong When the answer to each problem Is to burst into a song And standard rules of logic just simply don't apply When people dance in unison And no one wonders why You make it sound so beautiful We look to you As strange as it seems When reality goes to scary new extremes So don't ever give up And this I guarantee Next time you think no one cares You can look to me