What's there to smile about Take your happy ass back inside Out for a while now On kneecap like acolyte Shakin' hands with fire now I caught 'em reachin' they thought I was handing flyers out I spend all my weekends drinking shit that can't expire now I spend the rest blowin' louder than damaged dryer now My friends are dyin' out My friends are quiet now You took a part of me with you and its bothering me I was good at setting time aside for you it was harder for me Wasn't smarter for me I guess - my fear disappeared in the bathroom stall And by - coincidence I'm higher than castle wall More baked than casserole I need to find a balance That's been my only challenge He broke your heart and that's the only thing I know about him That's not the only thing that's broke about him This shit all goes together like missing Lego piece, found it They see the wheels start turnin' and hop on like bike no mountain This shit is not your call like you work for a different county I hope you don't want cookie points cause all we have is brownie Shit hard like Robert Downey We must be miles and miles away we don't have common ground We don't feel like calmin' down, we They tried to commandeer me Now they're not comin' near me I tried to smell the roses But all I got was a mouth of thorns and some bloody noses God I hope nobody notice And if they do then oh well And if I knew what I had to do I would do it myself It's been almost 21 years and I'm not used to myself But I guess at 21 years I can get used to that shelf with the liquor on it I run my numbers time and time again like it's an audit I don't wanna go to college Unless they pay me to go to college Two phones - but it's crazy for me to call it Answer the damn question Answer the damn question Answer the damn question What's there to smile about Take your happy ass back inside Out for a while now On kneecap like acolyte Shakin' hands with fire now I caught 'em reachin' they thought I was handing flyers out I spend all my weekends drinking shit that can't expire now I spend the rest blowin' louder than damaged dryer now My friends are dying out My friends are-