A quorum was collected when certain problems were detected Committees for reform, everyone must fit the norm And no child will be neglected. Each and every one inspected Even Santa is expected to conform Just because, Mrs. Claus, just because we really care You've got to start the diet or the man won't fit his suit It's because Mr. Claus will not stop eating that we beg you If he won't take care of himself, it's clearly up to you Sure he's a jolly fellow, Brings joy to boys and girls around the world But he's a roly-poly role model and his body mass index must be absurd It was decided by decree to measure children in the schools It only stands to reason, Santa must obey these rules Just because, Mrs. Claus, just because we really care You've got to stop your baking or the deer can't pull his weight It's because Mr. Claus will not stop eating that we beg you If he won't take care of himself, you've got to set him straight Be judicious with the fast food. Please curtail the use of oil and butter If he simply must munch a bit try Vegetables not bread and peanut butter Hide the potato chips, no in-between meal snacking When he was walking rooftops last year, ceilings started cracking I know its cold at the Pole but Santa needs to get some exercise He now requires assistance of an elf when his boots become untied By following our guidelines and generally behaving He'll shed a few lbs. and we'll try and talk him into shaving Just because, Mrs. Claus Just because, Mrs. Claus Just because, Mrs. Claus