The lunch bell tolls, we go bravely To chicken knuckles with toxic gravy Cream of tea bags, wombat pelt Lizard lips, what's that? Smelt? Chocolate pudding that goes crunch Is it any wonder why I pack my lunch? French fried nostrils, tuna rolls Is that shoe or just fillet of sole? Grilled toenails with a side of bunions Sautéed bats with lots of onions Biscuits hard enough to bunt Is it any wonder why I pack my lunch? Some things move, some things shouldn't You buy your lunch here? Pal, I wouldn't Some things ought to be left alone Turn them back to dirt and stone Good food's rare as Haley's Comet This stuff makes me want to leave the table Chunky milk, eyebrow soup Refried snakeskin, fresh-baked boot Poultry feet with goat entrails Escargot? No, that's snails Chicken beaks on sticky buns Is it any wonder why I pack my lunch? Are you gonna eat that? I wouldn't What is it?