You'll never be ready for it You won't feel it coming Like you can smell the rain before a storm It just hits you You'll be on your way somewhere In the car Hopefully alone When you realize for the past few months you'd forgotten about the past But you didn't kill it You let it live in the back of your mind And for a few months it was comfortable back there Collecting dust like the past should But all in an instant it's back And you shatter because it makes you You pull over because you can't stop shaking Because this road is just an old road Not the road you used to drive down every night when you were happy And you smiled more often And you could see the windmills from your car And their lights blinked at you from the sky You hate that road But it's not about the road It's about the people that drove it with you It's about growing up It's about people leaving Everybody leaving And the three months you spent alone in your bed trying to make the room stay still But it didn't And then it's over And you come to and you're pulled over on the side of the road Standing outside your car You can't remember why you're there Or where you were even going And it's just an old road again With two yellow lines and a name you can't remember So you get in your car And you go home