You wake up on a beach You can hear the waves crashing, but it's night The moon high in the sky, round, full A singular beacon of white light above The stars kind of twinkling above It's peaceful And while you're conscious of it, and it's familiar And it's just a dream And you watch as the stars begin to blink out You look up and you can see them twinkling Different variations and brightness One by one plucked out of the sky by darkness That full moon you watch As the dark orb of shadow Begin to take it from one side to the next The singular source of light left Beginning to leave you in complete shadow As you begin to panic And feel your heart beating into your throat You dig your fingers into the sand Your toes in, and stand up Just as the last bit of light plucks away And what disturbs you is that you're Comfortable in the dark But there's no placement of sight around you Than but five feet of the beach and ocean before you You can watch the waves kind of And pull away, out of sight And you feel, to the right of you A heavy And you feel a spray of sand from one side Onto the opposite side Another spray and you start to back up And as you begin to back away You feel the tendrils catch you from behind And wrap and curl around one shoulder And it's around your torso and constrict Not to pain, but to the point of immobility Where the moon was in the sky The shadow pulls back But instead of a white moon, a yellow one And as it tears away the singular familiar dark slit Staring down upon you Pulls you closer towards its light Don't run