In remembrance of Me This is My body In remembrance of Me This is My blood Whoever eats of this bread And drinks this cup of salvation Shall not die but shall live Shall live forever For His flesh is His food And His blood we'll drink Those who receive shall never die but shall live forever Strengthened by Heavenly bread Strengthened by bread of angels Your cup of salvation bring Come all and receive In remembrance of Me This is My body In remembrance of Me This is My blood Whoever eats of this bread And drinks this cup of salvation Shall not die but shall live Shall live forever Come humbly bow and adore Before the mystery of mysteries Under creation's form Yet the creator of all Within flesh yet not enclosed Incarnate and transcendent Consumed but by all yet not destroyed Received by all and the Lord In remembrance of Me This is My body In remembrance of Me This is My blood Whoever eats of this bread And drinks this cup of salvation Shall not die but shall live Shall live forever In remembrance of Me This is My body In remembrance of Me This is My blood Whoever eats of this bread And drinks this cup of salvation Shall not die but shall live Shall live forever Shall not die but shall live Shall live forever