If you could have any gift, any treasure Taste any pleasure, then what would it be? Search the wide world high and low for an answer Over the mountains and down to the sea Would you wish for youth and beauty, or wealth to make a show? Or power and position and strength? Oh no... For you youth it will vanish, and beauty will fade And your wealth and position are all just a passing parade May your soul have the gift of music, May your heart be inspired with song May the echoes remain in your memory, Like a friendship that last your whole life long When your joy is the joy of music, all the magical sounds you hear Everyday that you spend with music Is the best day, the best new day of the year May your soul have the gift of music, May your heart be inspired with song May the echoes remain in your memory, Like a friendship that last your whole life long When your joy is the joy of music, all the magical sounds you hear Everyday that you spend with music Is the best day, the best new day of the year (Just the best day, the most special day of the year)