As the pious arise to the first of the apertures breathing Like a stain on the armament weakens the imminent score There's a trace of decay through each passing day As the fields of the innocent wane We grow weary of our inattention to all that remains We posture to prove that science regards our delusions As phosphorus memories buried within our design And as codes are redrawn with each breaking dawn As we weary ourselves of the task The tempest we enter can only recapture our minds And we will overstate our worth We can devastate the earth Calamitous, vociferous, and desperate Over reliance on disdain let the protagonist remain Abandon all who whisper this refrain In the absence of truth our fallacies spread like a virus To the edges of civilizations regarded as pure And every breach in the fence is the cowards defense To perpetuate and sterilize And the apoplectic scions linger on And we will overstate our worth We can devastate the earth Calamitous, vociferous, and desperate Over reliance on disdain let the protagonist remain Abandon all who whisper this refrain May all your benedictions pass To all the undecided happening too fast King for one day till there's no greater debt to pay Temptations linger and regard us all as one