Wohoo, woo Wohoo, woo Thank you, guys Thank you for starting with that Did you have any idea what sort of impact That song in that video would have In terms of the, the wave resonate through hip hop And, and pop music when it came out? I think you make a song And you see a song's potential After it's created You capture something within a song If it's a good song And I write a bunch of horrible songs too That I might, this is never going to leave my laptop But when you write a song that you know Has the potential to resonate with people Then that song has the Has a life that might im-impact and change Some people's perspective And within that, there's power with it Particularly, an issue like this You know there, the song Is in supportive gay marriage, obviously But in Washington, just a couple weeks ago We passed Referendum 74 Which legalises same sex marriage in Washington Which was a huge deal Which was a huge deal and um The fact that the song Could potentially have impact to that election Was really exciting for, you know I know all of us up here That was really cool moment to be a part of To have a song that was kind of Linked with a campaign With the marriage equality campaign That was really awesome so You hope that a song has that type of reach And, and I didn't know if it was going to have it But it was a It was a pleasant surprise to see that it did