Once you hear the siren's song It'll haunt you all night long Go that way you're bound to pay your toll It's the devil in disguise And every time you tell your lies It takes a few more pieces of your soul I'm not a sinner As it goes, I'm no saint I sleep through the winter Lie in wait until the rain dries The fatal flaw Within us all We try to tame fire Light me up and let me go The way they tell it You'd forget it's never all bad Just don't expect for them to catch you When you fall back It's awful late You think you'll make it through the tall grass? Set me up and let me go Might be a dreamer As it goes, I'm not alone so I know recourse Is never more Than just a stones throw You want enlightenment Start lightenin' your own load Pull the pin and let me go When dogs are sleepin' You'd do best to let 'em lie now Don't be compelled To delve in wells Already dried out You want direction Start by gettin' off of my cloud Cut me loose and let me go It's all a prison As it goes, I'm on the outside The crystal walls I long to leap They keep me bound tight You bate your breath Or better yet I'll take it outright I paid my debt so let me go Your footing's weak You put your teeth Before your tongue now They gave you rope enough They'd hoped you'd never come down The hours east As shadows creep Across the sundial Steal a kiss and let me go The sirens sing a song that'll put you to a true test Can't you see it's just the devil in a blue dress Wolf comin' with her sheep clothes on But she don't mean to keep those on