Every omission Every experience of mine aligns in succession A single file line behind me Self propelled in false directions Caught in dimensions made in darkness But self projected Opposing questions To oppressive walls around me Hold no disclosure Just tremors felt from each corner of my consciousness Bedlam erupts Hemorrhaging thoughts rupture my daily state An insulting subconscious mocks me every step of the way What sounds like a whisper is really A condescending voice in my head Twitching turbulence ahead Sweating profusely as I try to smother my burning eyes Scouring the possibility of sweet stability from my sight The work of insanity At the mercy of my inner anguish My other half A personal division has been made Unbalanced Overruled I kneel to myself I kneel to myself I kneel to myslef Battling bones Grinding teeth search for peace and push the flow of blood back over my tongue A tight jaw light with it's words grows anxious and tense As knees clash together in rapid tremors of remorse Truth has always begged to pass over these lips and leave this cluttered mess of a Vessel But I chose to hold it tight to my chest To fill the empty cavity where I believed my heart should be Instead of a beating organ full of righteousness I chose to beat my psyche to death A mental demise surmised warranted Experienced many times over Laid to rest on a bed of nails where the rest of my memories remain I reframed and rephrased every possible omission to fit tightly filed away in the depths Of self disdain As mice scatter from under my skin until every pore is raised and every nerve ending Erased Easing back into this tomb, this lead cocoon To accompany every fallacy formulated that renders the remaining truth dormant I always knew releasing it into the world would destroy everything But in reality, I only wanted it to destroy me