Wrapped in a white penitential robe On the top of an oxcar Through the streets to the execution site Hustling through the sanguinary crowd Bring the convict to the scaffold Lash him with iron chains to the ground Let him hear the headsman pass the sentence May he deserve the imminent ordeal Break the delinquent on the wheel Pain and abasement The headsmen are well versed with their trade Under the rules of penal jurisdiction Wooden spokes Iron mountings on the rim Dropped down with power To break the limbs Slowly from the lower legs up to the arms Shattered bones, maltreated limbs Braided easily through the spokes of the wheel As a cenotaph, raised up on a pile Evil treatment as retaliation for the wicked deeds Bring the convict to the scaffold Lash him with iron chains to the ground Let him hear the headsman pass the sentence May he deserve the imminent ordeal