I keep thinking back to that time Midnight the 4th of July Remember you told me the view was better closer to the sky So we ran up 3 flights of stairs Rooftop your hands in my hair You say my name and i hear it echo through the summer night PRE Baby your right All of the lights Are brighter with your love boy Hey Heart beats like 808s Lets get away Can we dance all through the night CHOURS Boy you got me feeling like diamonds Trips to private islands Tropical horizions All because your love They say its in the timing Bottle full of lighting So electrifying All because your love ×3 Na na na na na na aye You told me put my hand in yours Ran to an old record store Searching through vinyls you pull Nirvana from the bottom drawer You started singing their songs And i started singing along "Smells Like Teen Spirit" I cant forget that summer July night PRE Baby your right All of the lights Are brighter with your love Heart beats like 808s Lets get away Can we dance all through the night Repeat pre