An hour in real time passes like the second on a broken clock I stay in bed all day, I just realised this will be the third on the trot I set the foundation for a life I don't know how to build And I take a step backwards and I fall down the same old hills And I hope that you'll return to me It's mighty lonely on my own in the city And I hope I'll find some better company Where they are willing to be caring for my pity And I do not want to wake up to the shame But I'm far too tired for these games We will bury this with all our memories Right beside the last love that took it all away And oh, and as sweet as you were You turned out to be fools, gold in the dark dirt And you raced, through the house Whirlwind tearing everything to the cold ground And your words, through the phone Force the skin off right of my white bones And I lay, surrounded by these thoughts And our tiny fires, I swear they'll burn someday And I want them wild and in some place it never rains Cus we belong, deep inside the blaze Just like we did back in our early days I move in straight lines and I follow cats eyes beside the road I know directions but where they take me we'll never know Please fire a flare so I know that you're out there Safe and sound, with a beacon over your head And I hope that you are missing me I feel it too and alone in the country I miss the sirens and song repeats Late nights that I wish I could remember I'd do anything I can to make you stay But your mind has made you leave anyway And sure hope your trains delayed 'Cus there's so much more I need to say and And oh, and as sweet as you were You turned out to be fools, gold in the dark dirt And you raced, through the house Whirlwind tearing everything to the cold ground And your words, through the phone Force the skin off right of my white bones And I lay, surrounded by these thoughts And our tiny fires, I swear they'll burn someday And I want them wild and in some place it never rains 'Cus we belong, deep inside the blaze Just like we did back in our early days Oh oh oh Oh oh oh Oh oh oh And our tiny fires, I swear they'll burn someday And I want them wild and in some place it never rains 'Cus we belong, deep inside the blaze Just like we did back in our early days