If you believe that Jesus came down 2000 years ago (That) Isaiah told the prophecy and it was fulfilled If you believe He was born in a manger to a virgin called Mary Then hey! Believe me when I stand to say He is coming back again Back again, back again Yes He's coming! He's coming back again Back for you, back for me Are you ready? He's coming back again If you believe an angel revealed this to shepherds in a field And a star led wise men from the East to see the King If you believe King Herod tried in vain to stop the prophecy Then hey! Believe me when I stand to say He is coming back again If you believe He came at Christmas as a gift to mankind Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God and Prince of Peace If you believe He died and rose again and ascended on high Then hey! Believe me when I stand to say Are you ready for the second coming? 2x Are you ready? 2x Are you ready for the rapture?