In context of the stars / u point at my point right U reflect off my sunglasses / waiting for the moon on a tight night In context of the sun / zero degrees is where we start U grind on my gass pedal / red line earth clutchin' my hear In context of the moon / u pull to my full height We black out during the eclipse / jelly roll on a comet kite Out of the day into the night Catchin' the heat and the ride beat Ooo la la well ooo la well U says There's nothing to do I says Th At's during the day U says Aren't we having fun I says The night's not yet won U says The feeling will be Ooo la la well oo la well END OF FILE Dave Watson, Severed Heads Liberation Front (Re-release the _Stretcher_ EP!) Swetier Balzoff (Ottawa), Ontario, "A man is measured by the depth of his anger"--Eddie "You will be dead, Killed by your mutinous, bastard socks."--R.B. Fairchild