STAND! STAND! STAND! Don't need big brother to wipe my ass, Don't need Ted Kennedy to spill my glass. Al not so Sharpton is a racist laugh, The whole damn world can kiss my ass. (Chorus) I don't need nobody to hold my hand, Don't need nobody, I can stand Make my own way in a rock-n-roll band, Kiss my ass I'm an American. Don't need no hippies to ban my gun, Don't need no commies no Mao Tse Tung Rugged independence is a lotta fun, I laugh so hard when I see em run. I don't need nobody to hold my hand, Don't need nobody, I can stand Make my own way in a rock-n-roll band, Don't ya think I'm taxed enuff? Maybe it's time to call your bluff Pimps & whores & welfare brats, Too much government way too fat, STAND! STAND! STAND! STAND!