So you want to be a great lover Ninja Sex Party will help you train So much knowledge to discover We'll shoot a hot load of wisdom all over your brain Lets go! It's time for sex training Put on your weightlifting gloves and a thong You've been chosen by angels Now you're the master of your destiny and your shlong LESSON 1 You need to sharpen your senses So get in the closet and contemplate boobs We'll wait out here with your girlfriend Unrelated question: Where do you keep all your lube? Rock on! Now stay in that closet You rule! And also we locked you inside There is no reason to doubt us This is what happens when science and romance collide LESSON 2 Now you should buy us all nachos But not for yourself. You're training. No food! And get an energy drink for your girlfriend She needs to rehydrate Although we've been giving her fluids Oh yeah! You don't have to pay us We're just happy that we could help You can come back in an hour Fondle my balls! Sorry. I was talking to someone else You're now a total dickmaster All hail the Lord of Vaginas and Time! Go forth and satisfy millions Oh by the way we'll have sex with your girl at the chime Yay!