Gold rush, rush for gold Precious yellow nuggets That are bought and sold Man gets an ounce or two for his own And he hides it like a dog hides a bone Miner breakin' his back Got to fill up his sack Arms and legs heavy as lead But his family needs bread His body is ready to drop When he gets to the top And they make him leave town Before the sun goes down Dig it up Dig it up They can't get enough Gold rush, rush for gold Precious yellow nuggets That are bought and sold Man gets an ounce or two for his own And he hides it like a dog hides a bone Dig it up Dig it up They can't get enough Men have died for gold And their lives have been sold What makes one part of the land Worth more than a grain of sand If man has a need His need he should feed But a part of his creed should read Forget about greed And hold on to the deed Hold on to the deed to your soul Gold rush, rush for gold Precious yellow nuggets That are bought and sold Man gets an ounce or two for his own And he hides it like a dog hides a bone.