He is a farmer That's what he likes to do So was his father and his grand-dad too He looks out on his fields and all the work he's done Curses his luck and the unrelenting sun His wife comes to his side and says Hoooooooold on We've seen tougher times All we need is a good rain And the troubles of this world will all wash away. We can start again with help from the heavens All we need is a good rain He gat to know to this And the days pass you Back as it used to be folks you could talk to Now it's all profit and can you pay on time No room for dreaming above the borderline She says come on back inside You can do it any more than I All we need is a good rain And the troubles of this world Will all wash away We can start away with help from the heavens All we need is a goo-ood rain Midnight Dark clouds hide the moon And he cries as he hears God's tears hit the roof All we need is a good rain And the troubles of this world Will all wash away We can start again with help from the heavens All we need is a goo-ood rain