Gluttony in the animal kingdom Is another example of selfish creatures. Storing food for the winter. Ensure hibernation is survivable. Gather as much food as possible so that the bloodline can Continue forging on like years before and more to follow. We think of greed as desire for anything related to money, Possessions and power. This is true but only when observing living things And their behaviors within their respective tribes. Naturally wanting to further their kin in the kingdom, Establishing a family known for strength and supremacy, One who will reign until A new leader rises through the ranks. Kings shall chose with whom they mate, Selecting as many as inclined. Chances are then increased of furthering Future familial lines. Bring forth the kill so that he may delegate Who feeds this day and who is left with the carcass. This is the type of greed that lies within animal instinct Forever shaping their days of tomorrow. Without ever knowing the ideals of money, Animals' attitudes are instilled with this desire, This need to battle and overcome anything and everything. Rapacity in nature. Long before mankind, Gluttony trumps over generosity and demonstrates dominance Perhaps this is how man concocted rule to govern And alter the outcome for the masses. Humanity is hopeless, doomed! If we let a small few lead us to the edge of the cliff. Only a matter of time until we're forced over the cusp, By then it will surely be too late to ever make amends.